Cultivation Areas


The Pepino Gold grapes grow on grapevines along the sunny coast of Puglia in southern Italy.


Our blood oranges grow at the foot of Mount Etna. The volcanic soil and the temperature excursion produce the color of anthocyanins. They give the orange its wonderful, intense red color.

Emilia Romagna & Lake Garda

Pepino Gold peaches and nectarines grow in the heart of the hills of Emilia-Romagna and in the south of Lake Garda. Only the deep red fruits of the tastiest varieties are selected, picked in the morning, packed and shipped the same day.

South Tyrol

The Pepino Gold apples thrive in South Tyrol, at the foot of the Alps. The varied assortment with Royal Gala, Braeburn, Jonagold, Red Delicious, Fuji, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith comes from environmentally friendly cultivation, as guaranteed by our Pepino Gold growers.

Lake Garda

The area around Lake Garda is excellent for growing pepino gold kiwis. Cold winters and warm, sunny summers give our kiwis a unique flavor.


The Cantaloupe melons from pepino gold are recognizable by the bright orange color of the flesh and its intense scent. Their sweet taste is a treat for every palate.

Emilia Romagna

Pepino Gold pears grow in the heart of Emilia Romagna between Modena, Bologna and Ferrara. Here the soil is particularly fertile and the mild climate offers the best conditions for producing beautifully shaped and tasty pears.